Orthopedic: Causes of Joint Disease in Athletes

Posted on October 26, 2018

There are the following causes of joint disease in athletes:

  • impaired electrolyte balance due to accelerated excretion of moisture from the body during physical exercise;
  • as a result of a violation of the electrolyte balance – salt deposits in the joints in the form of growths on the bone and cartilage elements;
  • hormonal disruptions during strenuous exercise can trigger the development of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hypothermia of the joints (and the whole body) during or after workouts (primarily relates to winter sports);
  • the nutritional imbalance with emphasis on protein;
  • undertreated injuries, sprains, dislocations, ruptures of ligaments and tendons;
  • due to increased loading on the joints, osteoarthrosis can be a consequence of erasing the cartilage layer;
  • inflammation of the periarticular bag due to excessive loads;
  • disorders in the endocrine system due to the constant stress loads on the athlete’s body;
  • strict diets combined with exercise can lead to osteoporosis;
  • microcracks in bones and joints during the execution of repetitive jumping elements.

How to Avoid Damage to the Joints during Workouts?

  • The most important rule for training is the exact calculation of the loads. Coaches should help you work out the loading. The intensity of training should be increased gradually;
  • Before each workout, a warm-up is necessary: the body must “warm up” before exercise. During the workout, you must drink water!
  • You need appropriate sports clothing and footwear, and in some sports special protective equipment (elbow pads, knee pads, bandages, supporters for joints, athletic belts, etc.);
  • Some sportsmen take Viagra to stimulate the sports activities;
  • It is important to keep your posture and do all the exercises correctly;
  • It is necessary to avoid monotonous repetitive loads on the same muscle group, alternate exercises should be made;
  • All sports simulators must be adjusted strictly to the individual parameters of the training athlete. The use of unsuitable in size or shape of equipment is unacceptable;
  • Need to pay close attention to pain. The myth that athletic activity cannot occur without overcoming pain is very harmful: pain is a body signal that something is wrong. With the increase in pain, it is necessary to immediately reduce the load.