Why Does the Knee Hurts: My Canadian Pharmacy Guidelines

Pain in the knee joint with its bending or when walking is a fairly common phenomenon. If they are not associated with trauma, they may be caused by a variety of diseases. To relieve pain, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the causes, and, secondly, to undergo treatment with an orthopedic trauma specialist or other specialist.

What diseases can provoke pain in the knees? My Canadian Pharmacy Overview

Why does the knee hurts


It is also called an osteoarthritis, deforming arthrosis. This is the most common joint disease. Its essence is that the cartilage tissues slowly collapse and the joint is affected. Arthrosis affects different joints, knee injury is called gonarthrosis. Most often, the gonarthrosis affects people after 50, when the cartilage wears out.

Pain in the knee with arthritis is also developing gradually. First it hurts when climbing the stairs and descending from it, then – just when walking, and at the first steps, then the pain subsides. But if the load on the joint lasts a long time, the pain appears again. After sleeping, the patient has to develop a knee for a while. With the development of the disease, the knee hurts with any movement already, the knee begins to crackle, and with full bending of the leg, acute pain occurs. In the future, the joint swells, loses mobility, and the patient can only move with a cane.

The knee can hurt with hip joint damage as well – the pain irradiates to the knee.


This pathology is characterized by a decrease in bone density. The pain extends to all joints, increases with tension and a long stay in an uncomfortable position. In addition, a patient with osteoporosis suffers from frequent bone fractures, tooth decay, and postural disorders are observed.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities

In this disease, cholesterol in the form of plaques is deposited on the walls of the vessels, which narrow the lumen of the vessel. In the future, calcium salts are deposited on plaques and arteries can no longer stretch. The blood floow in them is disturbed. When the vessels near the knee are affected, the knee begins to hurt. Other symptoms of arteriosclerosis of the vessels of the legs:

  • A feeling of constant cold in the legs;
  • numbness;
  • crawling;
  • “creepy”;
  • pain in the muscles.

The disease is dangerous due to the death of tissues and the development of gangrene.


This is the flattening of the arch of the foot, due to what its spring function is lost. If the spring function is broken, the joints are subjected to a constant load and microtraction. The result is pain. In the knee, the pain syndrome occurs when flexing. Signs of flat-foot are also a change in the shape of the foot (it becomes wide and flat), the toes on the leg may bend, a bone appears in the thumb. The legs get tired, swell, hurt. The posture is disturbed, the gait becomes heavy, the shoes are worn out from the inside.

Bunion of knee joint

A bursa is a synovial bag – a cavity surrounding the joint. When it is inflamed, fluid accumulates in it, the knee swells, turns red, becomes hot and then begins to ache, especially when loaded. There is stiffness of the joint.

Tendonitis of the knee joint

It is an inflammatory process that develops in a patellar ligament. Usually, this disease affect people under 40, as well as those who are subjected to a constant heavy load (loaders, volleyball players, basketball players). At first, the pain localized below the patella, occurs only with the load, then become permanent. The knee is constrained, it is difficult to unbend it.

Cyst of meniscus of knee joint

Meniscus is called a cartilaginous lining in the joint, which serves as its shock absorber. Sometimes, a cavity with a fluid is formed in the meniscus of the knee joint. If the external meniscus is affected, it takes the form of a tumor, the cyst of the inner meniscus is not visible from the outside. Pain occurs when walking, increases with extension and decreases when flexing.

König disease

This disease, also called dissecting osteochondritis, is the separation of a part of the cartilage from the bone and its displacement into the joint cavity. Pain is dull and aching, and increases with movement. Cartilaginous tissue can completely separate from the bone and migrate into the joint cavity, causing severe pain. The patient changes his gait: he turns the affected leg outward, limping.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This is an autoimmune disease, characterized by the development of inflammation of the joint intraarticular tissue of various joints. If knee joints are affected (a feature of this pathology is symmetry, it affects both paired joints), pains occur, movement is limited (at night and in the morning), a patient suffers from weakness, loss of appetite and weight loss, temperature rise. With the transition of inflammation to the periarticular tissues, the knees swell, acutely hurt, creak when bent.


This is the inflammation of the vein walls. If the inflammation affects the vessels near the knee, a patient feels pain, the knee turns red and swells. The pain subsides, if you raise your leg.

Pain in the knee is also characteristic for other diseases:

  • Tuberculosis of the knee;
  • Legg-Calvet-Perthes disease in children;
  • Osgut-Schlätter disease, etc.

Teenagers may experience aching joint pain, including knee pain. This occurs due to the fact that the growth of blood vessels lags behind the growth of bones and blood circulation is hampered. Such pain is considered normal and pass by 18-19 years.

If your knees hurt, there is stiffness in the joints, the movements became limited, My Canadian Pharmacy recommends not engaging in self-medication. All the remedies that relieve painful feelings will only ease the condition for a while, but they will not solve the problem. As a result, the disease will progress and may lead to disability. You should consult a specialist as soon as possible and undergo a survey. The doctor will prescribe a treatment which will get rid of the disease or at least will significantly slow down its development.